What We Do

As outlined in our constitutional documents, we shall pursue our aims and objectives by means and ways agreed upon by the founding members, and carried out in such but not limited to the following activities.

(A) Capacity development and community empowerment for reproductive health i.e. counseling, providing maternal health services, sensitization and training, resource mapping and mobilization, health information dissemination, community health research, restocking health centers

(B) To contribute to the improvement of access to quality maternal and reproductive health will engage in the following activities:

  • Sensitization of men on reproductive health and prevention of STI’s and HIV/AIDS and empowering men in identifying and caring for diseases affecting their own health;
  • Acquisition and providing contraceptives for family planning focusing on pills and condoms, and;
  • Restocking delivery kits in health centres.

(C) To strengthen the capacity of key actors including men and women involved in reproductive health to work towards improving reproductive and maternal health services the following activities will be undertaken:

  • Conduct training of trainers to ensure sustainability of capacity development activities
  • Conduct training and sensitization of both Men and Women on matters of reproductive health.

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